Going back to Linux
It's been a good few years since I last regularly used Linux on my home PC. However in recent weeks, the itch to ditch Microsoft Windows has been returning, and…
It's been a good few years since I last regularly used Linux on my home PC. However in recent weeks, the itch to ditch Microsoft Windows has been returning, and…
In recent months, my Facebook news feed has been populated mainly by 'sponsored posts' from people who have clearly set up 'fake' websites in order to dupe unsuspecting people into…
Like many other people, I was saddened to hear the recent news that Wilko had notified an intention to go into administration. I first properly discovered Wilko when I moved…
I've never been to Cornwall, and while I've liked to have gone and visited there sooner, now my brother and his little family live in Penzance, I have no excuse…
I previously wrote about how my landlord had the conifers removed from the top of my garden at the start of this year, and since then I've had an ambition…
When you find somewhere you really like and feel at home, it is of course rude not to go back there! Following my previous short stay last October, I booked…
A couple of years ago now, I made an enquiry with my letting manager about getting the landlord to trim back and perhaps 'lop' the conifers growing at the end…
From the start, I have to state the following that I have never owned or maintained a car, nor do I possess a driving licence. Yet throughout much of my…
I've always liked to think that "things happen when they're meant to happen", and sometimes a bit of good fortune can help you do or achieve things that you wouldn't…
Part One can be viewed here Friday evening and into Saturday morning saw some very wet and windy weather! When I thought it was safe, I decided to go for…